Chapter 15 – Flights of Fancy

Freedom is a sought after quality. People try to find it in various ways, as shown through history. Literature portrays freedom in the form of flight. It breaks the physical boundaries of humans and allows them to escape gravity and whatever reality they face. Flying is a spectacular action not known to humans; however, in literature an author can have their characters do whatever they desire. There can be a physically flying character such as superman in a novel, or more of a spiritual flier. Flying isn’t just the body being lifted from earth and ascending toward the heavens, it’s also the spirit. It’s as emotional and spiritual as it is physical in some cases. It can be achieved when the mind wanders and soars, or a character dies and their spirit flies on. Flying is a representation of freedom in every sense. Even if the laws of gravity aren’t being broken, in can still take place in the mind and soul of the character. It can be achieved in whatever way imaginable by the author. “These flights of fancy allow us, as readers, to take off, to let our imaginations take flight. We can sail off with characters, freed of the limitations” (Foster 142). Literature allows readers to escape reality and enjoy the freedoms and flying or their imaginations through text. There are no boundaries, it is complete freedom in every sense.

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